🗓️ Whenever Wherever: April events calendar
More than 200 things to do in the neighborhood this month.

Well, my eyes are crossed and wrists are aching, but the first monthly events calendar has been compiled! Please let me know if you have any thoughts on this format: Useful as is? Too comprehensive? Missing categories? I'm happy to keep it up if it's of value and pleased to forego or radically alter if not!
And, despite the formidable breadth of neighborhood happenings captured here, surely I've missed some. If you'd like to add something to this or a future calendar, e-mail trevor@longfellowwhatever.com.
- April 8/15/22, 5-7:30 @ LCC Office: Free the Deeds Door Knocking (hosted by the Longfellow Community Council)
- April 10, 4-7 @ O'Reilly Auto Parts: LCCE Demolition Party (read more about the plans to replace the vacant O'Reilly with a Latino Community Center here).
- April 11, 6-7:30 @ LCC Office: Longfellow Community Council Spring Gathering & Board Elections
- April 20, 9:30-noon: Earth Day Cleanup at three locations in the neighborhood:
- 36th and West River Parkway
- 44th and West River Parkway
- Minnehaha Falls Park
- April 23, noon-2 @ Squirrel Haus Arts: Longfellow Business Association Annual Luncheon
For kids
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