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🤝 Thanks to our founding subscribers

A big thank you to the 124 neighborhood supporters who helped make this project possible by subscribing before launch.

Longfellow Whatever
1 min read
🤝 Thanks to our founding subscribers
Note: Want one of those ⬆️ signs for free? Let us know!

Alex and Grace Alexander

Amy Kleinknecht and Rob Bixby

Anderson Realty

Andrew Maxwell

Andrew Mueller

Anna Guilfoil

Anna Malone

Anonymous (many)

Art and Jeremie

Barb & Dave Palmer - Lakes Area Realty

Barnes family

Beth Marsh


The Burke's

C & Ash Tifa

Cass Miller

CeliaElleryAndoGwinnaLumen’s Suburban Granny & Grampa

Chris Leeder

Christian Knox

Danette Knickmeier

Diana McKeown

Erik Thomsen


Greta Fay - Anderson Realty

Hal Davis

Hannah Lamb

Henry family

Ian Young

Jack Becker

Jan Lysen

Jennifer R. Schultz

Joanne Hedrick

Karl Snyder & Angela Butel

Keith Henry, MD

Kelly McManus & Mike Olson

Kristin Boehm and Matty Werner

Lauren and Dustin Bethke

Laurie Toll

Libby Tikalsky, Carter Haaland, & Denny Haaland

Mark Weyandt & The Bancroft Buddies

Mary Ann G-B

Mary Laurel-True

Matt and Nicole

Nancy Reynolds

Nick Smith

Patrick Sharkey

Peter Fleck

Puffer-Sturdevant family

Robert Hest

Roy & Teresa Cerling

Rudy Brynolfson

Sam & Ryan Kennedy

Sarah & Joe Musco

Sharon Parker and Craig Cox

The Spencewood's

Torey Van Oot

West family

William White - Allstate

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