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🛶 Scott Miller's quick trip down the Mississippi

Talking with Longfellow resident and business owner Scott Miller, ahead of next weekend's Riverview Theater premiere of a documentary about his team's world-record-breaking trip down the Mississippi.

Longfellow Whatever
— 7 min read
🛶 Scott Miller's quick trip down the Mississippi

This sentence is a mouthful, so try to read carefully: This weekend, at the Riverview, will be the world premiere of a documentary, "Mississippi Speed Record: An Epic Adventure," about Scott Miller, a Longfellow resident and business owner, and his team of canoeists that, in 2023, set the Guinness Book of World Records mark for the fastest run down the length of the Mississippi River.

And if you think there's a lot going on there, just wait until you hear the full story. The new doc traces the twists and turns of last year's world record push, the culmination of a turbulent five-year saga of Miller and his rotating cast of paddlers, crew, and rival factions.

Tickets are available now for the morning showing, which takes place at the Riverview Theater on Saturday, August 3, at 10:30 a.m. You can watch the trailer here: