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🎙️ “Hiawatha Neighbor” podcast begins third season of interviewing neighbors

The show takes hyperlocality to a level that puts even this newsletter to shame, and has developed a commensurately small but loyal base of listeners. They launched the show's third season last week. 

Longfellow Whatever
3 min read
🎙️ “Hiawatha Neighbor” podcast begins third season of interviewing neighbors

Jay Carlson remembers a phrase his colleague used to repeat: “There are enough stories within a three-block radius of your house to last you a lifetime.” 

He and his wife Kristen have begun taking that challenge literally with “Hiawatha Neighbor,” their podcast that is pretty much what it sounds like: interviews with the people living in their immediate vicinity. The show takes hyperlocality to a level that puts even this newsletter to shame, and has developed a commensurately small but loyal base of listeners. They launched the show's third season last week.