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🎸 Cloudland rings in a year on Lake Street

It's been a year since Cloudland opened at 36th and Lake, no small feat for a small independent music venue. They're celebrating the milestone with a birthday party Saturday night.

Longfellow Whatever
— 5 min read
🎸 Cloudland rings in a year on Lake Street

It’s officially been a year since Maren Macosko and Brad Lokkesmoe opened Cloudland Theater, the small rock club they built out of a former office space at 36th and Lake. There’s been plenty to learn and adjust to in that time, but overall, things have basically gone according to plan: The space works, the bills are getting paid, there's a full calendar of local and touring bands, and a recurring base of regulars has coalesced around their sensibility.

Which is no small feat for an indie music club. They're celebrating the milestone with a free open-house-style birthday party on Saturday. 
