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🎨 Anita White turns the sketchbook on herself

Anita White is one of 120 artists showing their work across the neighborhood this weekend, debuting an inward-looking book at the LoLA art crawl she helped launch.

Longfellow Whatever
— 5 min read
🎨 Anita White turns the sketchbook on herself

Anita White paints while she talks, in the same way someone else might fidget with jewelry or peel a label off a beer bottle. It’s such an ingrained habit that you hardly notice it, and it seems like she hardly notices it either. If you’ve stopped and chatted with her; if you’ve performed at a show she’s at; if you’re a beautiful vista or colorful plant in her field of vision — you’ve almost certainly been painted. Her neighbors and friends all have stacks of their own portraits, accrued over years of casual conversation, each with its own hastily assembled style, impressionistic but totally recognizable in its likeness.